jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

En memoria de los pacientes que se desesperaron

Es doloroso ver como personas que se encuentran enfermas tinen que esperar para que se les atienda, nadie sabe de ellos mas que quienes con ellos esperan; más de 8 horas esperando para que al final pierdan la paciencia y dejen de ser pacientes y pasar a enfermos terminales, van a ir a morir a casa, porque se han cansado de esperar, han perdido la paciencia.

Ya no tienen paz y por la enfermedad que los lastima no existe ciencia en ellos, me parece que hay que cambiar terminos.
En memoria de los pacientes que se desesperaron y fueron a morir poco a poco a casa.
Critico a el sistema del seguro social y es mi queja ante la falta de eficiencia en su servicio yo los condeno.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


[2] Food Recipe
[3] How proud are you?
[4] Vacation Winter
[5] Dear: Editor

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011



Food Recipe


9 water cups 1 1/2 You Free (750 gr.) of prawns.
1 It(he,she) frees (500 gr.) of camarones tigers, very well washed.
1 1/2 You Free (750 gr.) of filets of bass (or pargo red), punctured in chunks.
2 You free (1 Kg.) of clams in his(its) shell.
1 It(he,she) frees (500 gr.) of squids, coffee with a dash of milk in you shiver with his(its,her) paticas.
3 Stems of celery, punctured thin.
1/2 It(he,she) frees (250 gr.) of striped carrots.
2 Peppers, red and green, punctured thin.
3/4 Cup of pasta(cash) of tomato.
1 Cup of cream of (optional) milk.
1 Cup of white wine (or it(he,she) came from dry sherry).

HOGAO: 2 Onions cabezonas, bare(peeled) and bad thin.
4 stems of onion it(he,she) talks, punctured thin.
2 Mature(ripe), bare(peeled) and bad tomatoes.
1/2 Teaspoonful of thyme.
1/4 Teaspoonful of oregano. Pepper and go out to the taste.
2 Spoonfuls of oil. Sofríe re-turning quite(everything), up to having a soft sauce.
Sofríe re-turning quite(everything), up to having a soft sauce.


They put the clams to cooking to the steam with a water cup (in 5 minutes). They re-turn(re-become) well in order that they all warm up equally and are extracted. The water slips past with a thin linen to remove the sand that they can have given up and avoides. To the clams that have been opened the meat extracts them. The prawns and the camarones ehcan in the rest of the warm well water, are left to cook in 4 minutes, they are extracted and struggle. The rinds of the camarones muelen very thin (or licúan) and they are returned to the broth. The carrot, the celery are added, the paprikas and the squids and it is left to cook in 15 minutes to average fire.
The prawns, the camarones, the clams and the fish, sofríen in 5 minutes in the hogao and they put in the broth with the pasta(cash) of tomato and the broth of the clams and it is left to preserve to slow fire in 10 minutes. When it(he,she) has the wished soundness, one adds the wine, is left in the fire 1 few well minute and stoops. Portions are served in casseroles of black mud that warm up to the oven or to(on) the fire. The cream of milk adds them, they re-turn(re-become), are left to the heat, without stopping to boil, in a minute, and they remove to the table.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

How proud are you?

1._ Always know ask for help when you need?
2._Accept your mistakes?

In process.....

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Vacation Winter

I went at my house and here slept and then I woke for eat and then slept again. Eat and I got sleep, I woke and I got hungry.

Dear: Editor

I Evaluated the street at the University, I think that the government should stow the ground and sweep diary, this is a benefaction for all the citizen, because when I walk to the university the dust hurts my eyes and I cry. In this moment I have not time for write more about my problems because I have my finals tests