viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

I Have a Dream

I Dream that one day I´ll fly between the clouds whit my dog Kido, I hope to can arrive to the Bahamas and I plan to miss the rest of my life. I expect not to dead in the try. I´m going to live forever in their hearts.

3 comentarios:

  1. A search for brighter days
    I ride through the maze of the madness
    struggle is my address

    it's a cold war
    I'm a colder soldier

  2. waaaaaauu i´m shocked, is a beautiful reflection, maybe your dream is a litle.......smoking but, is good.

    ok my toy soldier, just do it

  3. Jonhy-
    It's from a song called "A Dream" which has some interesting lyrics.

    Good choice that fits well, very poetic :)
